About us

We established Melanesia AID specifically help Melanesian villagers and islanders from both natural and human disasters facing us today. 

What we do

We provide shelter, foods and drinks, medicines and rescue aid to Melanesian villages and islanders who are facing existential threats today due to climate cnage and global warming.


Our hotspots projects in Vanuatu, West Papua, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Bougainville and New Caledonia.

There is a lot that happens around the Melanesian archipelago, where villagers and islanders are facing existential threats due to both natural and human-made disasters.We cannot prevent those disasters, but when we must give hands to those displaced and refugees, hungry and homeless, the sick and those with no drinkable water. We Malenesians should be the forefront in helping our own peoples in our own region.

- Elder Wewo Kotokay, Papua New Guinea


Feeded Homeless


build Shelters


Money Donated

Our current Project


New Shelter at the Brooklyn Bridge

As we set up this blog today, we are hearing Vanuatu is now facing Magnitude 7,3 earthquake and maby buildings destroyed, communications and powers shut down

$56.000  - Already donated
